There is a deep human proclivity to seek and avoid risk. Evolution favors a propensity to imagine risks when real ones aren’t at hand – it’s in our DNA. The process exhibits more aggressively in those with lower overall knowledge of a situation at hand. In assessing a business this human behavior can take the form of “what-about-isms” that invariably end up pointing to the latest overhyped super solution. What about Apple entering the medical space, what about Google’s translation or Google Glass, what about Chinese technology, what about Epic’s patient tablet, what about WebMD, what about… what about …, what about… All of those perceived business killers turned out to be inconsequential or even beneficial to GeaCom’s business model.
Now, what about Artificial Intelligence? Given that the growth area of our business is District AIRs and Althing Clinic and these businesses require medical qualifications/certifications, human encounters, application of emotional intelligence, common sense interactions, environmental adaptability, physical dexterity, interpersonal skills and imagination (all things AI can not do currently or anytime soon) it follows that AI isn’t a real threat to our growth. Furthermore, our specialty encounters are producing raw sources of previously unavailable data which can be refined with AI to further monetize our services. On the GeaCom Enterprise Health side the requirements are much the same. No real threat for now because AI has total lack of CITE.
Understanding the highly innovative patented novelty and value of our business and its grounding in Communication, Information Theory Empowered technologies will further help the curious understand its security against incursions. Further understanding the current state and capabilities of AI will ease the fears of those concerned about near term business conflicts.
In its more than 14 years of designing, manufacturing and deploying the most effective medical engagement solutions, GeaCom has refined, patented and protected its innovations. The combined Intellectual Property (IP) and novel technology place the solutions in a category of their own. Here are the top 5 protected innovations:
Patient Detail / Staff Summary Special patents that enable full detail of information to be acquired from the patient, in their own language/literacy/etc. and at their own pace, to be summarized and conveyed to key care staff as actionable information. This includes same language patients, virtual health use cases and more. This patent is at the core of the innovative Multi-path Realtime Messaging engine of Phrazer/Kitsune and the multi-path audio notifications.
Convertible, Wearable Computer Headset The special Kitsune hardware is patented with features that enable private wearable, desktop group and authoritative patient engagements. The special capabilities incentivize seamless communication with staff onsite/offsite and in group settings.
FDA Antimicrobial / Antiviral Technology GeaCom has exclusive rights on use of an embedded molecule, that is in the casing of Phrazer/Kitsune, that mechanically kills bacteria and fungus on contact. This same molecule kills several viruses on contact. The technology doesn’t wear off and is effective even if not wiped down. This unique polymer blend enables the platform to exceed infectious disease control standards out-of-the-box.
Unique Swarm Intellect Decision Aid By tracking all engagements (sans PHI) world-wide and all employed diagnostics & outcomes, the system is able to generate a “Swarm Intellect” (SI) capability to provide second to none decision aids for providers. New ranking of likely issues with patient compliance assessments are of unique and inestimable value. This feature also guides Shard Decision Making processes.
Communication & Information Theory Empowered (CITE) GeaCom applies special methods and software to produce the strongly validated engagement interfaces, for patients and staff, that yield the highest accuracy and efficacy ever achieved (across all demographics). CITE is at the core of all GeaCom systems and what enables them to achieve record results.
GeaCom’s 100s of additional IP items help establish the world’s most effective digitally assisted engagement solutions. To add to this, the Company’s FDA compliant systems, specialty manufacturing and full source control enable security, efficiency and safety not available anywhere else.
The misrepresentations in the market regarding the use of consumer systems for broad medical uses has increased dramatically over the past 9 months. This is stunning since the products in question totally lack infectious disease safety, HIPAA certifications and would be a roadmap for the greatest increase of health disparity in the history of US healthcare.
This topic has been addressed in prior blogs and in special videos produced by GeaCom that debunk the myth that this approach is appropriate, safe, effective, less expensive or even legal but it seems the battle continues. Here is another approach in the form of 10 key questions to ask before considering consumer platforms a reasonable approach to modernized healthcare:
How would you plan to meet or even approach infectious disease standards? One transmission, just one, can lead to irreversible tragedy. Notice what happens when frontline healthcare staff becomes effected for example.
Does it seems that the wealthier will have better devices and therefore better access? Mobile devices have a price tag exceeding $800 each and not everyone has the same versions, OS, platform or capabilities. With over 20 versions of operating systems running, how do you think these solutions will standardize?
How will this effect continuity of care? Networks are expensive, unreliable and not capable of mission critical service. Many network service are limited to less than 1GB (this can be consumed in one visit) and many network services ‘throttle’ bandwidth.
Since virtual health applications are 1:1 use cases how do you think this sort of approach scales? There is a physician and nurse shortage that is progressively getting worse.
How will the additional cost of secure data entry be accounted for in the consumer model? Phones and consumer systems are not connected to the Electronic Medical Record and there are security concerns.
How would consumer models address vital Civil Rights requirements? Language services on live calls is fraught with error and cost.
Will healthcare also be distributed unevenly based on private network companies business models? Rural America has limited cell and WiFi capabilities.
How do you account for the high risk, high cost groups? The elderly, vision impaired and low literacy make up the bulk of healthcare consumption but all have little or no ability to work with consumer devices.
How do you deal with producers who do such nefarious things that would effect health outcomes? Consumer device makers such as Apple and Samsung have been found guilty, in court, of purposefully slowing devices to incentivize purchase volumes.
How are would you ensure vital security to legal standards? Consumer systems are nearly 100% hacked and exploited. Each has 1000s upon 1000s of examples of data exploitation. The systems are literally designed to share user locations and data making HIPAA activities impossible.
The above is only a partial list of simple examples of the impossibility of the consumer model but if you can’t address even these effectively then you can’t recognize a path to establish this model.
Absolutely not. You can’t start an equity path from a platform manufactured in a communist country employing forced labor. 100% of the patient engagement systems that are not Phrazer/Kitsune are developed in countries with horrible human rights records.
You can’t have privacy on a platform designed to productize users. 100% of consumer devices are designed to monetize users by sharing their data, without permission, openly and unethically.
You can’t support local economy and healthcare stability by sourcing from a company that doesn’t pay taxes in your country. Apple, Samsung and many others are not U.S. Companies and they utilize extensive loopholes to avoid paying taxes. The very taxes that help support infrastructure and medical systems are the ones Apple and Samsung avoid.
Why is there not an immediate and complete transition the proven CITE Systems in the market resulting in legendary commercial success? All claims are true, so why do people still suffer the legacy failed service realities? The answer is deep in human nature and insidious. Human resistance to change operates in an inconspicuous and seemingly harmless way but actually comes with grave effect to humanity. With all things well designed, applied and proven, the innovator still has work ahead in the form of change management.
Patients Don’t Respond Well to Change
Society has its engrained standard expectations, long established, that it is reluctant or even unable to shrug off. What if your physician walked into the examination room in cutoff jeans and a tattered t-shirt? More seriously though methods of care are antiquated, absurd, but somehow still sustain as natural and ongoing, against all logic and reason. The established healthcare process for example itself is absurd but broadly expected and generally demanded. Processes of waiting, paper work, waiting, being disconnected, etc. are a routine. Appearance of facilities, doctors, nurses, care rooms and more remain generally unchanged for the past 150 years. Some of these standards are partly to blame for the fact that medical error is the #3 killer in North America or has massive inequities and we all know it but somehow push these facts to the back of our minds. Going to the hospital can and often does make health issues worse or even introduces new issues due to standardized methods and yet, demand these and go back for more. And despite the need and call for it, any change to the established process does seem to cause challenge to the patients. When ongoing healthcare problems seem to be amorphous and vague, the “new change” has always been automatically suspect and provides a specific thing to point to as the reason for the vague issues.
Staff doesn’t Easily Accept Change
The “I go to work, I do my job well, I’m good at it, I go home and ultimately I get paid.” mantra is pervasive. Knowing something is wrong with the care model is also demanding a form of special self awareness from staff. Any light shown on the ongoing issues, specific to patient and staff engagement, can and often does get taken as a reproach. Cognitive dissonance is real and deeply rooted in the healthcare space. Like the patient, staff is often looking for something specific to point to for explaining the issues pervasive in healthcare; and nothing is easier than the most recent change. GeaCom’s experience is that our innovations create objectively positive patient results, staff champions and oddly some staff detractors. Complaints are always louder and more urgent than compliments and accomplishments. The health outcomes should be all that matters to commit to CITE Solutions and then those uneasy with change should participate in molding it to their best application ideas rather than expend energy to support failing status quo. The “I go to work, I do my job well, I go home and ultimately I get paid.” mantra comes to play when detractors point out that it feels like their being asked to do something more and not getting remunerated for it or that the new thing threatens their perceived value (it seems easier to not change).
The System is Change Resistant
Budgets, infrastructure, architecture, habits, processes, billings and more are designed for the status quo. The top fifty medical suppliers are all top 100 largest business interests in the world. Do you suppose these fat cats are interested in change or ethics? These suppliers spend $100s of billions on keeping the status quo. From the sellers of furniture and beds to the legacy suppliers of patient education and entertainment they fight to keep the status quo, they help design the buildings, fund the medical schools, establish the supply chains and all things that make the economic of healthcare the mess they are. Somehow, the administrators and staff know this but surrender to the cost and challenge of change being too high.
Examples of Recent Change
A space unwilling and unable to change had the Affordable Care Act (ACA) foisted upon it to bring modernized medical records, improved community health, streamlined billing and other modernization initiatives to play through legislation. To make these changes the Federal government had to mandate it and provide trillions of dollars to press it into play (like a bribe). Many of these changes objectively had to happen. The results you know; fighting, rejection, political turmoil, wasted funds, a desire to go back to the way it was and a total ignoring of the reality of issues and failures the market faces. Anger and rejection are simple human responses especially when it comes to change. Look to the strength of complaints regarding change due to ACA and measure that against the responses to learning medical error is the #3 killer or that inequities based on race are pervasive, or the myriad of other real concerns that cause deep daily suffering and you’ll see the absurdity pointed out here. People fight change harder than they fight for justice, for morality and for innovation.
This blog outlined the high level reality of change resistance but for more detailed reasons, search these topics:
Inequities in healthcare
Total national healthcare budget
Error rate in healthcare
Doctor and healthcare staff burn out
EMR inefficiencies
Cognitive Dissonance in Healthcare
Civil Rights amendment
American’s with Disabilities Act
Healthcare resistance to change
Change management strategies
These searches should have you driving into interesting and shocking directions on the topic.
Creating the world’s best of anything valuable is an extremely rare accomplishment. Celebrate, but know the journey to commercial success is is still ahead and non-trivial.
Before diving into this, first, let’s tick off the objective, proven facts so that there is clarity on the proven claim of being the best, most ethical, most economical and safest medical engagement platform and solution:
CITE is hard science and proven the most effective method of complex human interaction
Communication, Information Theory Empowered technologies have the full weight of strong scientific validation, proven efficacy and unparalleled results.
Phrazer/Kitsune is proven the best medically qualified patient/staff engagement hardware
In bench tests it is faster than the iPad, it is antimicrobial, rugged, totally single source data secure, is more cost effective and in application more stable, accepted and effective.
CITE Systems on Phrazer/Kitsune are the only capable of global language coverage
Proven in over 20,000,000 validated market engagements the solution has the greatest demographic coverage, highest accuracy and most adaptive engagements. It objectively engages any demography better than alternatives.
GeaCom’s is the only solution capable of meeting Civil Rights requirements
The Constitution is clear (as is the American’s with Disabilities Act), on the U.S.’s commitment to equity. CITE Systems are the only to have been validated to achieve the regulatory requirements.
Application of CITE System is the most economical
There is no training required for patients, minimal for staff and the platform is the most interoperable. Implementation, benefits from novel self generating networks (takes mere days to successfully bring up), it meets regulation and generates new revenue while offing never before possible benefits.
There is more to be shared on the special value but the fact is that GeaCom has produced the highest performing medical engagement hardware, providing the most safe and secure engagements, equally applied to any demographic, resulting in significantly improved efficacy without massive costs and efforts. Proofs, medical trials, bench tests, self evident performance realities and other validations are available to fully qualify the above assertions. This begs the question: why is this not an immediate wildfire adoption in the market? Because change, especially holistic change, to fundamental, foundational social structure is the hardest known change to mankind. In the next blog entry here will dive into the realities faced. Also available in the general Phrazer/Kitsune blog is a more insight 🙁
The promise of AI is access to deeper, more sophisticated information, unencumbered by human flaws, to empower staff to make improved diagnostics and care decisions. The most effective use of machine enhancement today is in image reading (machines don’t have ‘form blindness’ or detail limitations). Generally removing human limitations and prejudice seems sensible… but, perfect knowledge is of no value without perfect application. How does AI matter if it has no functional ability in practical application to ensure addressing:
Bias (confirmation, racial, agism, social, etc)
Patient Performance
Capability to Adhere to Care Plan (Compliance)
To be inhuman comes with new insights at the cost of natural human factor benefits. So your AI helps you know, based on data (demographics, symptoms, outcomes, etc.) what the “best” direction to take is… so, now what? Someone, somehow ultimately must apply the AI knowledge as an authoritative flawed human to flawed patients. How do we make the ‘last mile’ work? The answer is CITE; the most important factor of AI application.
GeaCom owns the patents and experience related to effective human decision making, likelihood of successful treatment adherence, informed by patient culture, and CITE realities. To learn more, contact the world experts at GeaCom.
Proper language and culture engagement is objectively ethical, urgent and required for indigenous populations. Of course having these issues even to this day is a global embarrassment and must be addressed ASAP. The ongoing cultural disrespect and medical disparities only compound with further delays.
GeaCom is pleased to be the world’s most culturally experienced, effective MedTech innovator. Expertise with “orphaned” unwritten languages and isolated cultures is a point of pride for GeaCom. There is only one company with the experience, track record, science, technology and commitment for success in addressing this tragic ongoing societal failure.
Legacy methods of equal engagement and attempts at disparity resolution for indigenous populations have all failed fantastically. There is only one proven method to address this moral imperative and that is the CITE Method. There is only one Company with the experience and track record with indigenous populations and that is GeaCom. There is only one CITE Solution available and… of course it is Phrazer/Kitsune.
To learn the detailed rollout of proven CITE engagements for Indigenous populations, contact GeaCom leadership.
GeaCom provides pathways to harmonize patient, staff and system performance through innovative CITE Solutions. We are the leading innovator for health delivery methods on a foundation of science, ethics and appropriate technology. GeaCom’s solutions define a new era of healthcare with total equity, quality and continuty. GeaCom empowers all patients, staff and healthcare institutions to enter the future of healthcare by eliminating broken health systems that unequally treat people at the most vulnerable and vital points in their lives. GeaCom seeks to collaborate with excellent health workers of high personal quality to best employ CITE Solutions as the method foundation for the future of healthcare. Because it is the most tragic universal system failures and the most important endeavor to address. Right now, this instant and each following until change comes, patients suffer on our watch, waiting for empathy, innovation, change.
GeaCom Values:
Science – as a foundation for reliable, repeatable and replicable experience
Equity and Civil Rights – as the driving forces for a new era of healthcare
Quality – as people and concepts of value deserve special levels of quality
Take bold steps to change the status quo that is harmful to people
GeaCom’s Vision and Goals:
Become a source of intelligent collaboration and strategic diversity to combine for stunning innovation
Reinvent the broken inequitable health system of the past with a more equal, effective future model
Provide the highest level of ethical behavior and performance in the market (fair labor, trade, pricing)
Provide empowering solutions to patients and staff
Provide solutions to improve interpersonal skills and effectiveness of healthcare workers
To influence the intercourse between patient, staff and system performance to improve experience
To create a realtime, adaptable and interoperable influencing system for improved efficiency, equity and health outcomes
We start by normalizing the patient variable. The patient variable is the largest, unmanaged dynamic variable component to healthcare. Patients come to care with different socio-economic backgrounds, literacy levels, language, cultural needs and other impactful traits. These variables express affect care in deeply meaningful forms such as:
• The amount of time needed
• The speed of material conveyance
• The level of trust and understanding
• The overall need and use of resources
• Honesty in disclosure
• Compliance to the care plan
• and many other vital factors
Through CITE method on Phrazer/Kitsune our mission to ‘normalize’ the patient variable has become a reality. With GeaCom’s CITE Solutions medical centers can predictively calculate time of engagement, comprehension, address culture and literacy needs and effectively communicate in every language. From this follows process and flow opportunities never before possible.
Additionally, CITE Solutions normalize the staff performance through specialized messaging, tracking, process adherence guidance and cues. No other entity has sought so effectively to normalize performance of staff despite the time of shift, the patient load, the experience levels and other key factors. GeaCom’s Multi-path Realtime Messaging (MRM) feature combined with mesh tracking capabilities effectively coordinates staff usage, activities, engagement styles and process. This reduces the gamble experience of patients and ensure continuity and quality of care.
By empowering the patients and ensuring they predictively provide objective, accurate, timely information while coordinating staff process and enhancing their patient engagement excellence the entire dynamic of the system improves and enables more effective use of system resources. The CITE system further enhances this breakthrough by eliminating rote activities, by performing patient-direct-to-chart entry, by eliminating unnecessary and ineffective utilities and services such as:
• computers on wheels
• survey systems
• paper interfaces and printers
• scribes
• translators
• data entry tools
• thin client interfaces and more
Ultimately, as has been proven time and again, the CITE Method on the Phrazer/Kitsune system has established the breakthrough of: Harmonizing patient, staff and system performance.
And this means nothing less than full Civil Rights coverages, improved patient flow, enhanced staff performance and significantly improve economic and ethical performance. The exciting aspects are that this is easier to implement than status quo systems and is revenue positive.