Mission & How: Harmonizing Patient, Staff and System Performance

We start by normalizing the patient variable. The patient variable is the largest, unmanaged dynamic variable component to healthcare. Patients come to care with different socio-economic backgrounds, literacy levels, language, cultural needs and other impactful traits. These variables express affect care in deeply meaningful forms such as:
• The amount of time needed
• The speed of material conveyance
• The level of trust and understanding
• The overall need and use of resources
• Honesty in disclosure
• Compliance to the care plan
• and many other vital factors

Through CITE method on Phrazer/Kitsune our mission to ‘normalize’ the patient variable has become a reality. With GeaCom’s CITE Solutions medical centers can predictively calculate time of engagement, comprehension, address culture and literacy needs and effectively communicate in every language. From this follows process and flow opportunities never before possible.

Additionally, CITE Solutions normalize the staff performance through specialized messaging, tracking, process adherence guidance and cues. No other entity has sought so effectively to normalize performance of staff despite the time of shift, the patient load, the experience levels and other key factors. GeaCom’s Multi-path Realtime Messaging (MRM) feature combined with mesh tracking capabilities effectively coordinates staff usage, activities, engagement styles and process. This reduces the gamble experience of patients and ensure continuity and quality of care.

By empowering the patients and ensuring they predictively provide objective, accurate, timely information while coordinating staff process and enhancing their patient engagement excellence the entire dynamic of the system improves and enables more effective use of system resources. The CITE system further enhances this breakthrough by eliminating rote activities, by performing patient-direct-to-chart entry, by eliminating unnecessary and ineffective utilities and services such as:
• computers on wheels
• survey systems
• paper interfaces and printers
• scribes
• translators
• data entry tools
• thin client interfaces and more

Ultimately, as has been proven time and again, the CITE Method on the Phrazer/Kitsune system has established the breakthrough of:
Harmonizing patient, staff and system performance.

And this means nothing less than full Civil Rights coverages, improved patient flow, enhanced staff performance and significantly improve economic and ethical performance. The exciting aspects are that this is easier to implement than status quo systems and is revenue positive.

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